Visiting Us
We welcome and encourage all children and their parents to visit the nursery whenever is most convenient, in order for you to experience the full range of opportunities that your child can enjoy on a daily basis. This will also give you the chance to meet our team, see the learning environment both indoors and outdoors and for you to ask any questions that you may have.

Arrange a Visit
To arrange a visit to one of our childcare provider nurseries please complete the form below and we will contact you by either email or telephone. Alternatively please call us directly on 01782 810425
Once we have confirmed your child’s place, days and hours at their chosen nursery we will send you the login details to enable you to access our nursery management system – Famly. We use the Famly app as a way of providing communication between our nursery, staff and parents. Once your child joins one of our nurseries you will begin to receive and send messages directly to members of staff, see news updates, gain access to our termly newsletters and receive daily updates about your child’s time at nursery.